Dear future self,
I hope that you were able to travel to all of the places you wanted to go and see all of the things you wanted to see. Hopefully you are happily married with a kid and a few dogs. Seems really scary to think now that in 20 years I am going to have my life together and have a real job with real things to do but here you are. But then again maybe I am still a mess. And if you are reading this 20 years from now I hope that you can get a good laugh out of a 20 year old me writing this for my digital media class not even knowing what I want to get for lunch let alone what career I’m going to go into. I hope that life has been good, and that even through the hard times that I know are ahead of me and in the past for you that we were able to make it out ok and that we were able to find something that we wanted to do and maybe a purpose for our life. I do wonder if you are still living in florida and married a random florida man because that was the only option or if we adventured to other places for all I know now you could be living in London or something. I hope that I was able to study abroad like I wanted to and that in whatever job you had right out of college that you were able to travel. Hopefully you have some really good friends and that they haven’t driven you over the edge quite yet. I also wonder how Emmy’s wedding went whenever that happened and if she is still with Madi. Overall I just hope that you were able to thrive and get it together because we need to get in shape and if you haven’t done that yet your 20 year old self, procrastination master is letting you know that it might be time to do that. Get out and explore the world and hopefully I stopped being so lazy at some point. Even though there were hard times I just wanted to say congratulations for making it this far and if you are reading this at age 40 you’re getting old. Scary.
Best of luck,
20 year old Meagan Laudenslager
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